1) First you need to click the new set (or add an action to a default set). for this tutorial we will just add a new set :) follow along punk! lol

2) name your set. anything you want.

3) now we need to add a new action to the set we just created so click the new set

4) here you can name your action and put a 'hot' color on it. the color wont change anything but it helps to organize. you can also set the function keys but i dont, but some do. as soon as you hit record it will start recording so set everything in the image up before you record. as soon as you hit the record button it will be recording!! TO ADD ACTIONS ALL YOU DO IS (AFTER PUSHING RECORD) GO TO FILTER> RENDER> CLOUDS. then continue to the next step.

5) when your done with adding things to the set, push stop.

6) when you want to play the action that you just made (which will make clouds) just push play.

actions are very handy and useful. you can record anything. to give you an idea, while im at work i have to convert all image si use to bitmaps and grayscales for the printers so of cours ei have many things set on actions so i dont have to do much, which give me more time at D2S :)